Saturday, March 20, 2021

The US vs China Talks At Alaska 2021 - The Concise Report

Watch the video here: US vs China at Alaska - 2021

Chinese officials accused us of inciting other countries to attack china while the US said china had arrived intend on grandstanding
the relationship b/n the two superpowers is the worst its ever been through years with more pressure being piled onto china under trump not much of a significant change seems to have taken in the approach under Biden either,
The US pledged to raise contentious issues about Beijing treatment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang which is rumored to harbor concentration camps
in an opening statement, Mr blinken started that US would d
iscuss our deep concerns with actions by china including in Xinjiang, Hongkong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the united states, and the economic coercion of our allies by china, each of these actions threaten the rules-based orders that maintain global stability
In response, Mr yang accused Washington of using its military might and financial supremacy to suppress other countries its abuses so-called notions of national security to obstruct normal trade exchanges and incite some countries to instead attack china
Mr yang about Xinjiang said that human rights in us were at an all-time low with black Americans being slaughtered.
Mr Sullivan hit back with a blunt statement stating that Washington does not seek a conflict with China but will always stand up for our principles and for our people as well as for our friends.
Stay curious, Stay safe.. Stay you.

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