The Suez Canal Incident - The Concise Report

 The incident that has the world talking, the incident that also has a lot of fingers being pointed and the blame being tossed around all over the place, but who is to blame, well if you look at the facts of the scenario the story is rather straightforward and does not have much room for speculation but as is true to all things people more often than not try to squeeze in logic and reasoning where there is little to no need of doing so, the case of the Ever given in the Suez canal is one such incident, no need to over speculate or bring in various theories that hold no accord considering the professionals have already laid down the realities of the situation.

Here's the Briefing : what actually happened: The ever given a 220k ton 400m long cargo vessel owned by Japanese firm Shoei Kisen kk got wedged between the two narrow banks off the Suez canal which is a single-lane stretch of the canal about 6km north of the southern entrance, 10 tugboats were deployed in an early attempt to dislodge the ship which is manned by an all Indian crew of 25 sailors, workers are deriding the banks and the seafloor near the vessels to try and get it afloat again as the high tide starts to go out, Egyptian authorities have banned the media to have access to the site hence why the story does have not have any boots on the ground reporting the white house said that it has the means and equipment that not a lot of nations might have and is working with Egypt to figure out how they can help. A total of 200 vessels are waiting near the canal in what is termed as a traffic jam near the canal opening with another 100 ships currently en route to the canal for passing, with each hour passing by upwards of 400million is being lost, the ship was sailing from China to Rotterdam when it ran around, Panama flagged cargo ship has become wedged across the Suez canal and is blocking vital waterway for global trade, The reason is thought to be strong winds upwards of 40knots and a sandstorm that caused low visibility and poor navigation. and not manual or mechanical error thereby bringing a sigh of relief to the crew. Stay Curious, Stay safe.. Stay you.
