The Iceland Volcanic Eruption & Rise in Seismic Activity - The Concise Report

 The rise in seismic activities is without a shadow of a doubt causing some serious ramping up of volcanic activity across the globe, with numerous nations facing the brunt of the rise in global temperatures and seismic activities we are at the mere mercy of nature itself to live in a time and a place where in we aren't tossed into the deep end of handing numerous eruptions simultaneously.

Iceland - a volcano south of the capital Reykjavik has erupted the ripping open a fissure about 500-700meters long
but why now, well rising seismic activity has been observed throughout the globe, and in Iceland alone, in the past 3 weeks 40k earthquakes were observed, mere hours prior to the eruption a magnitude 3.1 earthquake was recorded 1.4 km from the volcano itself,
Iceland is the epicenter for numerous quakes and volcanic activity as it saddles on two tectonic plates which are drifting in opposite directions,
Stay curious, Stay safe... Stay you.
